Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Effects of Children Poverty in the UK Essay - 963 Words

My Case Study: The effects of Children Poverty in the U.K Introduction â€Å"When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn’t know it had a name† a quote by Lyndon B. Johnson.(Brainy Quotes) We all have witnessed or experienced poverty in our lives whether we identify or not are not the points of my study. I want people to see the numbers do not lie and we have to help with this huge increase of poverty. Poverty affects families, groups and individuals especially the children where the UK is concerned. The major reason for these kids and families experiencing poverty are the low wages, low benefits or having no income at all. The results of children poverty can lead to affect their social, educational and personal development.†¦show more content†¦In my research on child poverty, I read a scholarly journal entitled UNICEF ‘Child Poverty in Perspective’ Report: A view from the UK. In the journal they compared the conditions of the children living across the world in the industrialized countries. UK w as found as the poorest of them all. This comparison was on average against 21 countries. These reports were started in 2000, where they resembled a report card of the comparisons but the latest one was February 2007. The report has some interesting and detailed information on contributing factors on children poverty. The first contributor I will discuss is emotional and social issues for poor children. These problems include impulsive behaviors, lack of social skills, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. These problems make it difficult for future success in school or work as they grow. (UNICEF) Emotional children may begin to feel helpless and start to separate from the crowd to avoid embarrassment. They have to deal with the looks and comments of people who are more fortunate talking down to them. There’s a feeling of helplessness and questions on why they have to be less fortunate. This may lead to counseling in more severe situations. Then there is the part poverty p lays in the educational development as well. There are times when poverty may mean no dinner the night before or not enough breakfast that morning. Poverty is the leading threat to children’sShow MoreRelatedEssay Contemporary Poverty in the United Kingdom766 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: This report will focus on contemporary poverty in the UK although poverty is different globally, it will look at childhood in general and show the effect that poverty has on the experiences of childhood. The report will define poverty and use statistics and government policy on poverty. 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